Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg showed off his impressively uniform wardrobe as he returned to work after paternity leave. He snapped his collection of identical grey T-shirts and hoodies, asking his millions of Facebook followers: “First day back after paternity leave. What should I wear?” The billionaire entrepreneur has previously said that he wears the same outfit each day to make his life more simple.
I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how best to serve this community.
Mark Zuckerberg
Mr Zuckerberg took just half the paternity leave offered to Facebook employees. The company announced in November that new fathers working at Facebook will be allowed to take four months of paid paternity leave - more than many other Silicon Valley firms. The new policy came into effect from the beginning of this year and covers all of Facebook’s 11,000 staff worldwide.