Pamela Paquin’s source for fashion is either tres chic or will make you shriek. She creates neck muffs, leg warmers, hats, purses and more from roadkill, or accidental fur, as she prefers to call it. As owner of Petite Mort Furs, a two-year-old Boston-area company, she said she’s offering the fur industry an alternative to wild fur trapping and large-scale fur farms. “All this fur is being thrown away,” Paquin said. “If we can pick that up, we never have to kill another fur-bearing animal again." But the industry isn’t completely sold on the idea. Its trade group says North American furs are already ethically and environmentally responsible. Animal rights groups also have mixed feelings about the idea. Some worry the products could only prolong the industry they’ve spent decades trying to defeat.
If we can pick that up, we never have to kill another fur-bearing animal again.
Pamela Paquin