Angry ram butts buzzing drone out of the air, before taking on owner

This is one ram who clearly takes a breach of his peace and quiet very baaadly. Footage has emerged of the irate creature slamming into a drone after it got too close to him in Nelson, New Zealand. The bad-tempered ram is seen chewing grass as the quadcopter descends above it. But as it hovers in front of the animal, dubbed “Rambro”, he lowers his head.

I was looking for the angry ram with my fpv quadcopter, I got a bit close and he managed to hit it knocking it into a bush. Luckily no harm done.

Drone owner Marty Todd

He then charges the drone, sending it tumbling into a nearby bush. When owner Marty Todd went to retrieve the equipment, he was also sent packing after the ram knocked him sprawling to the ground. Mr Todd, who has set up Facebook page Angry Ram to chronicle his encounters with the grumpy creature, rescued the animal from its previous owner.

When I went to retrieve it he followed me. I had my hands full so he got me pretty good. I actually look after this guy, I rescued him after his previous owner was going to kill him for being too aggressive.

Marty Todd