Cameron urges Putin to change tactics as bombing in Syria is stepped up

David Cameron has urged Russian leader Vladimir Putin to change tactics over his bombing of Syria. The prime minister wants Russian forces to target Islamic State militants but says most of its bombs have so far fallen in areas controlled by more moderate, Western-backed rebel forces opposed to president Bashar al-Assad. He said of the Russians: “They are backing the butcher Assad, which is a terrible mistake for them and for the world. I would say to them: ‘Change direction, join us in attacking Isil, but recognise that if we want to have a secure region, we need an alternative leader to Assad’.” But Mr Assad, in his first comments on the Russian involvement, has said the air campaign must succeed or the “whole region will be destroyed”.

The alliance between Russia, Syria, Iraq and Iran must succeed or else the whole region will be destroyed. The chances of success for this coalition are great and not insignificant

Bashar al-Assad

Russia’s bombing raids went into their fifth day on Sunday despite criticism from Washington and its allies that the military action might be strengthening the jihadists. The defence ministry said: “Over the past 24 hours SU-34, SU-24M and SU-25 jets made 20 sorties. Ten infrastructure targets of ISIS bandit groups have been struck.” However, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday that Moscow’s bombing campaign in Syria was “unacceptable”, warning that Russia was making a “grave mistake”.

The steps Russia is taking and the bombing campaign in Syria is unacceptable in any way… Unfortunately, Russia is making a grave mistake

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan