Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed sharply over their support for Barack Obama in their latest TV debate. Ms Clinton said her left-wing rival was too harsh in his criticism of the outgoing president. She added: “The kind of criticism that we’ve heard from Senator Sanders about our president, I expect from Republicans, I do not expect from someone running for the Democratic nomination to succeed President Obama.” Sanders, who is pushing the former first lady unexpectedly hard in the election race, responded: "Madam Secretary, that is a low blow.“
Do senators have the right to disagree with the president?
Bernie Sanders
The debate in Milwaukee comes as the election bandwagon rolls into states with large minority populations. Mr Obama was extremely popular among the minorities and Mrs Clinton is fervent in her support for his legacy. She said her rival had called the president weak and a disappointment and "that goes further than saying we have our disagreements”. Elsewhere, the debate centred on the other two main issues dividing the candidates, the power of Wall Street and Mr Sanders’ controversial healthcare for all plan.
Based on every analysis I can find by people who are sympathetic to the goal, the numbers don’t add up. That’s a promise that cannot be kept.
Mrs Clinton on Sanders’ healthcare plans