Once again, “Game of Thrones” finds itself on TorrentFreak’s list of the most widely pirated TV shows of the year. The fantasy epic show — which achieved a milestone earlier this year as HBO’s most popular series of all time — also reportedly edged out “The Walking Dead” and “The Big Bang Theory” for illegal downloads. According to TorrentFreak, which compiles the annual list, “Game of Thrones” saw an estimated 8.1 million illegal downloads, which appears to far outpace the 4.8 million downloads for “Walking Dead,” 3.9 million for “The Big Bang Theory” and 3.5 million for “How I Met Your Mother.” The HBO show, which aired its season-four finale in June, also topped the website’s illegal download list in 2012 and in 2013. Last year, the series saw 5.9 million downloads and 2012 saw 4.2 million, according to TorrentFreak.