A policeman has had 40 knives removed from his stomach after he developed a taste for swallowing them. Surjeet Singh, who had complained to doctors of severe stomach aches and a loss of appetite, was recovering from the operation in hospital in Amritsar in northern India. His case shocked doctors who said they had never seen anything like it. It also shocked Mr Singh - he told them he thought he had only swallowed 28 knives.
I had never seen anything like this in my 20 years of practice. We thought they were knives and retrospectively asked the patient and he said he has this urge to swallow knives.
Mr Singh’s surgeon, Jitendra Malhotra
Mr Singh developed his habit as he recovered from a road accident. At first, doctors thought he had developed a tumour but tests revealed metal inside his body. His surgeon, Jitendra Malhotra, said: “As soon as we placed the camera inside, we saw some metallic material on our screen. In those metallic materials, there were shards of blades and woods which were very rare and surreal. We found that we had removed all the knives from the stomach. The surgery was a success.”
I could not walk properly after that. I used to sit idle and started swallowing down knives. It pained a little.
Surjeet Singh