Great White Shark attack blamed for teenager’s death in Australia

A teenager has been killed in a suspected attack by a Great White Shark while spear fishing in southwest Australia. The 17-year-old boy, who has not been named, was was bitten on the leg while fishing with a friend at Cheynes Beach, near the town of Albany in Western Australia. The friend, also a teenager, reportedly fired at the shark with a spear gun and may have wounded it.

It appears that the shark swam past one diver and bit the other on the leg which resulted in fatal injuries to the diver.

Rick Fletcher, Western Australia’s department of fisheries director

Rick Fletcher, Western Australia’s department of fisheries director, was quoted by the Perth Now website as saying the wound suffered by the teenager suggested a great white was responsible. He said: “It appears that the shark swam past one diver and bit the other on the leg which resulted in fatal injuries to the diver. It is possible that the shark was injured during the attack, therefore what we’re going to do is do patrols on the beach as well.”