Spare a thought for the unheralded victims of last week’s change of Prime Minister – the comedians. U.S satirist, actor and comedian John Oliver, speaking outside of the Emmy Awards, has delivered his own eulogy to Tony Abbott’s brief but eventful stint as Australia’s leader in typically brutal style. But it is likely the last time Oliver will get to reap the comedy cash crop that was the Abbott Government. “It was like taking heroin. It was incredibly exhilarating and it was right that you stopped.”
Ding, dong. Tony is dead. Let me pour a little out, pour a little out for Tony Abbott.
Oliver said, ceremonially tipping a drop of his beer onto the ground as he spoke to an Australian reporter.
Asked if the United States’ current trajectory towards making the human out-take reel Donald Trump its president was similar to Australia’s grand Abbott-experiment, Oliver had to deliver some bad news. “I don’t think they’re going to elect him, you did elect Tony Abbott,” he said. The English-born Oliver who came to fame on John Stewart’s Daily Show before striking out on his own with his popular Last Week Tonight program is a close follower of Australian politics. This is not his first time he’s aim at Abbott. He has previously regaled Americans with tales of the short-lived, disaster prone government. He was also in Melbourne for the Border Force fiasco which he dubbed 'the Aussie Stasi’.
I don’t know what the point of Tony Abbott was but it was fun while it lasted.
Comedian John Oliver.