An Internet video released Friday purports to show an Islamic State group fighter beheading British hostage Alan Henning and threatening yet another American captive, the fourth such killing carried out by the extremist group now targeted in U.S.-led airstrikes. The video mirrored other beheading videos shot by IS and ended with an IS fighter threatening a man they identified as an American named Peter Kassig. Henning, 47, nicknamed “Gadget,” had joined an aid convoy and was taken captive on Dec. 26, shortly after crossing the border between Turkey and Syria. Earlier this week, Henning’s wife Barbara Henning asked the militants in a televised plea.
Alan was a friend of Muslims, and he will be mourned by Muslims. Alan Henning’s murderers have clearly gone against that spirit of Islam.
Shuja Shafi, Secretary general of Britian’s biggest Muslim umbrella organisation.
While IS makes gains near the Turkish border in Syria, they suffered a setback on Friday in Iraq. Federal government forces, Sunni tribes and Shiite militias retook most of Dhuluiyah town from the IS, one of the most significant victories over the extremists. A victory against IS there has been described as crucial to efforts by the majority Shiite government to show it was willing to support Sunni tribes rejecting IS. The Jubur tribe, which played a prominent role in the formation of U.S.-backed Sunni tribal forces to combat IS’s previous incarnation in 2005-2007, had for weeks been pleading for more assistance.
In these long months of battle, they have tried everything against us — mortar attacks, chlorine, car bombs — but we are still here.
Jubur fighter Mustafa Nadhom