Jack got hacked. But not just any Jack, Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and current CEO of Twitter. Dorsey had his Twitter account briefly compromised by hackers early on Saturday. At around 2:50 a.m., according to a report from Engadget, hackers operating under the name OurMine, took over Dorsey’s Twitter account, posting the message, “Hey, its OurMine, we are testing your security.” That message linked to the group’s website and a Vine video which displayed the group’s name and an image of a hooded figure. Google’s Sundar Pichai and Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg have also fallen victim to similar breaches recently.
Hey, its OurMine, we are testing your security.
The rogue tweet
Dorsey hasn’t addressed the brief hacking event on his Twitter feed, but the fact that the co-founder of the service could have his account breached in such a way should serve as a security warning to all users. Not only should you use strong passwords, but you should also regularly change passwords that have been in use for a long time. Unlike some high profile Twitter hacks, this one was relatively short-lived as the tweets were reportedly scrubbed from Dorsey’s Twitter feed less than an hour later. The OurMine group continues to tout its activities as “testing” the security of some of the biggest names in tech, with each hacking event simply demonstrating control of the account rather than posting malicious messages, as is common with many hacking incidents.