Japan’s navy says a sailor killed himself on board his ship after being persistently bullied by a superior. Maritime Self-Defence Force chiefs told reporters Petty Officer First Class Koichi Goto, 42, was being investigated over claims he persistently harassed his younger charge. The crew member, reportedly in his 30s but whose identity is being withheld by his family, took his own life earlier this year after being repeatedly hit about the head by Goto and forced to kneel with his head on the ground. Goto has admitted he had exercised “excessive discipline” on his charge, a naval spokesman said.
It is deeply regrettable that the force could not prevent a suicide due to hazing.
Katsutoshi Kawano, naval chief of staff
Hazing is widely practised in many areas of Japanese life—in schools, workplaces and within sports—but is rarely reported unless it escalates into a suicide or a killing. In 2007, a 17-year-old sumo apprentice died after a hazing incident involving his stable master and senior wrestlers. The stable master, who struck the teen with a beer bottle, was sentenced to five years’ jail for negligence resulting in death.