An Australian family have sold their beloved pet cat to get an extra U.S.$120,000 for the sale of their home. The bizarre property ‘claws’ came after a potential buyer saw the house and said they would buy it as long as the cat, named Tiffany, was included in the sale. The cat’s owners, the Perceval family, didn’t pussyfoot around, agreeing to let the buyers take their home in a leafy Melbourne suburb along with its feline resident.
We jokingly said to the agent, ‘She goes with the house,’ not expecting at all to actually have a clause written into the contract saying it includes the cat.
House and cat owner Fran Perceval
Fran Perceval told reporters that when the five-bedroom house in Glen Iris was being viewed Tiffany got numerous admirers. The house was auctioned at the weekend and bidding reached just over U.S.$1.79m. But at the last minute a bidder got the house by a whisker. He upped the stakes, offering U.S.$1.91m if the cat was included. One person not so happy with the deal is Michael and Fran Perceval’s 19-year-old son, Sam. He bought the cat four years ago and was particularly fond of the pet.