When President Barack Obama took the podium in the White House press room on Thursday, he told reporters “we don’t have a strategy yet” on U.S. military action in Syria against the Islamic State. The Twitterverse went crazy, but not over his statement. The storm of commentary concerned his choice of attire: a tan suit. “Taupe and change,” jibbed one Twitter user. Another tweeter riffed off the title of his book with “The audacity of taupe.”
Ronald Reagan used to wear brown, tan and khaki suits with some frequency, and I think he looked fine.
Steve Schmidt, 2008 McCain-Palin campaign manager
Other presidents who have taken on tan fashion include Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and Dwight Eisenhower. In fact, George W. Bush had a suit that his staff called Big Brown. As in, “Oh, no, he’s wearing Big Brown today.” In keeping with his times, Franklin D. Roosevelt was fond of white.
The director of the movie ‘Idiocracy’ is a genius with great foresight. As the Russians invade Ukraine and ISIS storms across the Middle East … we’re focused on the president’s suit.
Steve Schmidt