Paris vows to sue Fox News for ‘attacking honor and image of city’

A plan by the city of Paris to sue Fox News after a report about ‘Muslim-only areas’ has been described by the TV network’s executive VP as “misplaced.” Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour the city was looking to sue Fox after guests interviewed by the station said parts of the city were off-limits to non-Muslims. During her interview on CNN, Hidalgo said the city was “insulted” and that “the honor of Paris has been prejudiced.” Fox has since issued multiple on-air corrections regarding the statements made by the guest, but “a complaint will be filed in the coming days” despite the apology, said a source at Paris city hall.

We empathize with the citizens of France as they go through a healing process and return to everyday life. However, we find the mayor’s comments regarding a lawsuit misplaced.

Fox News executive vice president Michael Clemente

One guest, Steve Emerson, said parts of Paris were like Baghdad and the news channel also broadcast a map outlining so-called “no-go zones,” which guest expert, Nolan Peterson said felt like Afghanistan or Iraq. The Fox reports spawned much derision online and saw local news show Le Petit Journal send fake correspondents Mike and John to report on these so-called dangerous areas. The jittery reporters take fright at the sight of a Moroccan restaurant: “Oh my God a couscous! Very dangerous couscous in Paris!”