Putin says Turkey ‘will regret’ shooting down Russian bomber

Russian president Vladimir Putin today said Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian military jet was a war crime and that the Kremlin would punish Ankara with additional sanctions, signalling fallout from the incident would be long-lasting and serious. Putin, who made the comments during his annual state of the nation speech to his country’s political elite, said Russia would not forget the downing of the plane and continued to regard it as a terrible betrayal. Turkey would have cause to regret its actions “more than once,” he said, promising Russia’s retaliatory actions would be neither hysterical nor dangerous.

If anyone thinks that having committed this awful war crime, the murder of our people, that they are going to get away with some measures concerning their tomatoes or some limits on construction and other sectors, they are sorely mistaken.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin

Moscow and Ankara have starkly different versions of what happened, and Putin is furious that Erdogan has not apologised for the episode, something the Turkish leader has said he will not do. Turkey insists the SU-24 fighter bomber violated its air space and was warned repeatedly before being shot down. Russia says the plane, which was taking part in the Kremlin’s air campaign against militants in Syria, had not strayed from Syrian air space. Erdogan sought a meeting with Putin on the sidelines of a climate change conference in Paris last week, but was snubbed.

It appears that Allah decided to punish the ruling clique of Turkey by depriving them of wisdom and judgement.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin