The Vatican on Wednesday unveiled new high-tech, energy-saving lighting and air purification systems to protect Michelangelo’s delicate Sistine Chapel frescoes from damage caused by ever-growing crowds of tourists. Dust brought in from outside, body sweat and carbon dioxide pose a major risk to the masterpieces, which are more than 500 years old. They include one of the most famous scenes in the history of art – the arm of a gentle bearded God reaching out to give life to Adam. The Vatican has decided to restrict the number of visitors to the chapel, where popes are elected in secret conclaves, to 6 million a year. The previous lighting and air conditioning systems were installed in 1994, when the number of visitors stood at about 1.5 million.
This chapel is a unique structure so we spent a great deal of time understanding how air flows here in order to map the technology.
John Mandyck, chief sustainability officer for United Technologies unit Carrier
"Air flows differently here than it does, say in an office building or even another church," John Mandyck, chief sustainability officer for United Technologies unit Carrier told reporters during an evening presentation. The new lighting system, made by Germany’s Osram, uses some 7,000 LED (light emitting diode) lamps consuming up to 90 percent less electricity than previously, reducing heat to further protect the frescoes.