Swift justice for football fan who hurled sexual taunts at Toronto news reporter

The moment a female TV reporter fought back against sexually explicit taunts from football fans has gone viral. CityNews reporter Shauna Hunt says she’s used to expletives being spewed at her by sports fans, but “snapped” outside a Toronto FC game on Sunday. Hunt asked the men what could prompt them to taunt women in such a way, and the shared video touched off a social media firestorm. The exchange has already cost one of the men in the video, an engineer with a six-figure salary, his job. A Hydro One spokesman said Shawn Simoes, an assistant network management engineer with the company, was fired for violating the company’s code of conduct.

I hit my limit and I had to push back.

CityNews reporter Shauna Hunt

When asked how their mothers would appreciate such conduct, Simoes is heard saying she would have “died laughing… eventually”. Several social media posts also named the second individual. A spokeswoman for the company he works for said the views expressed in the video were “reprehensible” and inconsistent with their values. Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, the parent company of the Toronto FC soccer team, said the perpetrators would be banned from future games if they are identified.

Thanks @citynews for saying #ItsNeverOkay. Whether or not it’s caught on film, sexual harassment at work is no joke.

Tweet from Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne