#TheDress conversations continued into the weekend over the photo of a dress that look blue and black to some people and white and gold to others. The unexpected social media frenzy has brought fame and fortune for one small British fashion company - Roman Originals, which said sales of the outfit soared 347 per cent on Friday. The company that designed the blue and black (seriously - believe it) dress is now preparing a white and gold version as well!
We’re really busy. All the team on the website are going crazy.
Michelle Bastock, Roman’s fashion director
Roman has 132 stores across the U.K. and has been expanding at a breakneck pace, said Bastock. The company is opening one new store each week. The creative manager for Roman Originals, Ian Johnson, told The Hollywood Reporter that the company has started the process of designing a white and gold version “just to mess with people.” and that it will be available for purchase in a few weeks. What a relief.