Two RAF Tornado GR4 fighter bombers returned to their base at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus at the end of a seven-hour mission without using a single weapon. A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “Although on this occasion no targets were identified as requiring immediate air attack by our aircraft, the intelligence gathered by the Tornados’ highly sophisticated surveillance equipment will be invaluable to the Iraqi authorities and their coalition partners in developing the best possible understanding of ISIL’s disposition and help acquire potential targets for future operations, either by aircraft or Iraqi ground forces.” Ministers had cautioned not to expect a campaign of “shock and awe” and that after weeks of U.S. air strikes in the area, it could take time to identify new targets.
The very presence of coalition air power would have a significant impact on IS.
Ministry of Defence statement
While the failure to identify any suitable target may have seemed like an anti-climax after the drama at Westminster, UK Prime Minister David Cameron insisted the involvement of RAF combat aircraft showed Britain was there to “play our part” in the international coalition being assembled against the Islamic State terrorist group. “We are one part of a large international coalition,” Cameron said during a visit to Didcot, Oxfordshire, ahead of the Conservative Party conference. He added: “The crucial part of that coalition is that it is led by the Iraqi government, the legitimate government of Iraq, and its security forces.”
IS know that should they deliver an attack against Iraqi or Kurdish troops, aircraft are likely to arrive overhead very soon afterwards.
Ministry of Defence statement