Westworld actress Evan Rachel Wood has said she “could no longer stay silent” as she revealed she has been raped twice. The 29-year-old posted a letter on her Twitter account in which she spoke about being attacked by a “significant other” and by a bar owner. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Wood alluded to “physical, psychological and sexual abuse” she suffered during her years as a teenage star. And now she has published the letter, previously sent to the magazine, about the assaults.
Well, since everything is out in the open now, figured I would share the confession letter I wrote to Rolling Stone in its entirety. I don’t believe we live in a time where people can stay silent any longer. I certainly can’t.
Evan Rachel Wood
Wood, who rose to fame in the 2003 coming-of-age drama Thirteen, said the attacks took place “many years ago” and contributed to her attempt to take her own life. “Yes, I have been raped. By a significant other while we were together. And on a separate occasion, by the owner of a bar. The first time I was unsure that if it was done by a partner it was still in fact rape, until too late,” she explained. “Also, who would believe me? And the second time, I thought it was my fault and that I should have fought back more, but I was scared.” The American actress plays Dolores - a life-like robot host - on Sky Atlantic’s sci-fi show Westworld.