White tiger mauls to death teen who climbed over fence at New Delhi Zoo

A student, believed to be 17 or 18 years old, was mauled to death within minutes after entering the tiger enclosure Tuesday afternoon. Television channels broadcast closed-circuit footage of the frightened boy inside the tiger’s enclosure in the zoo that houses six white tigers, along with lions and panthers. The tiger seemed to be surprised by the boy’s tumble at first, watching him for a few minutes. According to eyewitnesses, the tiger became aggressive when onlookers threw rocks and made noises to divert the cat’s attention, pouncing on the teen, then dragging him to its enclosure.

We are all in a complete state of shock.

Amitabh Agnihotri, director of the National Zoological Park

Authorities weren’t sure if the teen jumped or fell. One eyewitness said the barricade keeping people out of the enclosure was two or three feet tall.