News Digest
Global terrorism deaths soar as economic impact of attacks hits $53bn
The number of people killed by acts of terrorism in 2014 increased 80% to 32,658, according to a new study.
Australia to revoke citizenship from people who engage with terrorists
Civil rights advocates and Muslim leaders in Australia have widely denounced new legislation that calls for dual nationals who are convicted of terrorism-related...
Teen in Melbourne charged with terrorism offences after police find bombs
A terror plot to detonate three bombs in Melbourne has been foiled by police, authorities in Australia say. A 17-year-old was arrested over the allegations...
Army takes to European streets a day after anti-terror arrests
Belgium on Saturday began deploying hundreds of troops to patrol the streets after security forces smashed a suspected Islamist “terrorist”...
UK police chief claims ‘four or five’ terror plots foiled
British police have foiled four or five suspected terror plots this year, the country’s most senior police officer said ahead of a week-long campaign...
Police make ‘hundreds of arrests’ to foil deadly UK terrorist attacks
Police have foiled several potentially deadly attacks and arrested hundreds of suspected terrorists so far this year, Britain’s counter-terrorism...
Australian counter-terror raids - Islamic State had planned public beheadings
A man believed to be Australia’s most senior Islamic State (IS) member apparently instructed contacts in Australia to carry out a campaign of random...