Bulky oxygen tanks and face masks could soon no longer be needed to be able to breathe underwater, thanks to the creation of the “Aquaman Crystal” by the scientists at the University of Southern Denmark. Just a spoonful of the crystal can absorb all the oxygen from a room. The material is able to store the gas at a much higher concentration than oxygen tanks, meaning it would be far smaller and lighter to carry, and can slowly release oxygen when put under a small amount of heat.
This could be valuable for lung patients who today must carry heavy oxygen tanks with them. Also divers may one day be able to leave the oxygen tanks at home…
Professor Christine McKenzie of the University of Southern Denmark
"A few grains contain enough oxygen for one breath, and as the material can absorb oxygen from the water around the diver and supply the diver with it, the diver will not need to bring more than these few grains," said Professor Christine McKenzie of the University of Southern Denmark. "When the substance is saturated with oxygen, it can be compared to an oxygen tank containing pure oxygen under pressure – the difference is that this material can hold three times as much oxygen." The sponge-like material uses element cobalt, bound in an organic molecule. Researchers are also investigating whether the release of oxygen can be triggered by light.