Finland may be the first country in the world to build a 5G network after the country’s University of Oulu and the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland announced plans to start testing. VTT said the test environment will eventually evolve into a full-scale 5G network, which will be provided as a living lab for application and service testing by 2020.
In the test network, we will develop new technologies, and build 5G test environment for the research purposes based on the technologies.
Atso Hekkala, project manager from VTT
The test network have two components: a restricted network conducted by VTT and a public network set up by the University of Oulu. The 5th generation wireless systems, also known as Tactile Internet, denotes the next leap in wireless communications. It offers a high level of multimedia and cloud-based services, as well as user equipment and other network devices, while reducing material and energy consumption.