A herd of buffalo which has appeared from nowhere on a Canadian prairie has left police and wildlife experts scratching their heads. The 100 or so creatures have settled near the the town of Tisdale, Saskatchewan, more than a century-and-a-half after being hunted to the brink of extinction. Their appearance has led police to warn drivers to take care on the roads after several near misses and an incident in which a buffalo rammed a car. The herd has also pushed through barnyard fences
They have very dark fur so they’re not easy to spot and they’re quite well built (weighing about 1,400 pounds), so I don’t see any (vehicle) collision with them ending very well.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sergeant Daryl Andrusiak
No one in the town has any idea where they have come from. The closest known wild herd, which was reintroduced by conservationists about a decade ago, lives more than 500km away in a national park. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sergeant Daryl Andrusiak said: “They were spotted crossing a highway south of town. The last thing you’d expect to see while driving on a highway in Saskatchewan nowadays is a buffalo, so we wanted to alert the public of the danger.” The town’s poundkeeper is considering corralling and relocating the animals but nobody is sure where to send them if they do manage to round them up.