Sarah Palin has posed with a boar and a rifle to encourage Wisconsin voters to back Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump. The former Alaska governor posted the photograph on her Facebook page urging them to vote for a “bold new leadership that puts your interests before party politics”. According to the latest polls, women voters have been alienated by recent controversies including abortion, opponent Ted Cruz’s wife and a journalist who claimed she was assaulted by Mr Trump’s campaign manager.
Vote for Donald Trump on Tuesday to make America great again.
Sarah Palin
With polls for the Wisconsin Republican primary showing the ultraconservative Cruz holding a 10-point lead, billionaire Trump has enlisted his wife, Melania, on the campaign trail to shore up his support among women. The winner of Tuesday’s Republican primary will take most of the 42 delegates on offer. Boosted by a recent endorsement from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a number of recent polls suggest Mr Cruz might win the northern state. If he does, he may well claim it as a turning point in the race, but he still has a huge overall delegate deficit to turn around.