Tears and prayers as some 2 million Muslims mark peak of hajj at Mt Arafat

Some 2 million Muslims from around the world gathered today at a desert hill near Mecca in Saudi Arabia in an act of faith and repentance during the climactic emotional and spiritual moment of the annual hajj pilgrimage. Men and women wept openly at Mount Arafat as they stretched their hands out in prayer and supplication, saying “Labayk, Allahuma, labayk,” — “Here I am, God, answering your call. Here I am.” The faithful believe that on this day the gates of heaven are open, prayers are answered and past sins can be forgiven.

Hajj brings happiness and (the) oneness of all Muslims because you can see that all races are here, and it is a way to mingle with them and have a connection somewhere else.

Abdullahi Mu’azu K/Na’isa from Nigeria, who paid $5,000 to perform the hajj

The pilgrimage is physically demanding and involves performing several rites, such as circling the cube-shaped Kaaba seven times at the start and finish of the hajj. It is a main pillar of Islam and one all able-bodied Muslims must perform once in their lives. It was at Mount Arafat some 1,400 years ago the Prophet Muhammad is believed to have delivered his last sermon during hajj. The pilgrims will leave Mount Arafat - about 12 miles east of Mecca - around sunset to collect pebbles to be used in a symbolic stoning of the devil on Saturday, which marks the first day of the Islamic holiday Eid al-Adha.

I am now a newborn baby and I don’t have any sin. I pray for prosperity, long life and.. I pray for my country.

Nigerian pilgrim Taofik Odunewu