A woman who is battling pancreatic, liver, and ovarian cancer is also now unemployed, thanks to the oral surgeon who employed her for 12 years. George Visnich laid off Carol Jumper, 51, in writing shortly after her devastating diagnosis, according to a letter that was posted on Facebook and then published in the local newspaper this week. “You are currently engaged in a battle against cancer that will be demanding physically, mentally, and emotionally,” reads the letter. “You will not be able to function in my office at the level required while battling for your life. Because of this, I am laying you off without pay as of August 11, 2014. Your last paycheck will be mailed to you this Friday, August 15th, 2014. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you fight this horrible disease. Thanks for your time at Visnich Oral Surgery. I hope your battle is swift, smooth, and successful!”
[The media has been] very disappointing, in that he’s trying to help this woman and he’s made out to be a villain. [He wrote the letter] with the understanding that when she is feeling better, she can come back to work.
George Visnich’s lawyer Larry Kelly