Police fatally shot a homeless man during a “brutal” videotaped struggle in which a rookie officer cried out that the man had hold of his gun before three other officers opened fire, the Los Angeles police chief said Monday. Chief Charlie Beck’s account of the incident, including photos showing the condition of the gun, was rare 24 hours after a shooting involving an officer. Witnesses said the man killed Sunday was known as “Africa,” though they withheld his name. LAPD spokesman Andrew Smith said he had previous interactions with officers.
The video is disturbing. It’s disturbing any time anyone loses their life. It’s a tragedy.
Andrew Smith, LAPD spokesman
Sunday’s violence had echoes of the August police shooting of 25-year-old Ezell Ford, whose death in a struggle with LA officers brought demonstrations in the city. Ford was unarmed. Police said he was shot after reaching for an officer’s gun. The shadowy video does not clearly the man’s race, but witnesses said he was black, as was the officer whose gun was partly cocked. It comes amid heightened attention to killings by police that have led to protests, some violent, across the United States.