News Digest
In gratitude for US strikes, Syrian Kurds name baby ‘Obama’
Sultan Muslim, a Syrian Kurd, was in no doubt when it came to naming her seventh child after he was born safely in Turkey.
Iraqi Kurds approve sending troops to fight Islamic State in embattled Kobane
Iraqi Kurdish lawmakers approved a plan on Wednesday to send fighters to the Syrian town of Kobane to relieve fellow Kurds under attack by Islamic State...
21 airstrikes slow IS progress in Kobani; Turkey takes surprising action
U.S.-led aircraft hammered Islamic State jihadists with 21 bombing raids near Kobani on Monday and Tuesday amid signs the strikes had “slowed”...
Kurds struggle to defend besieged Syrian town
Kurdish militiamen are putting up a fierce fight to defend a Syrian town near the border with Turkey but are struggling to repel advances by the Islamic...
UN fears massacre, asks Turkey to intervene as IS takes ground in Kobane
Jihadists captured the headquarters of Kurdish fighters defending the battleground Syrian town of Kobane Friday as a UN envoy warned of a looming “massacre”...
Battle for Kobane: Islamic State escalates border town siege
Islamic State jihadists penetrated the key Syrian town of Kobane on the Turkish border, sparking street-to-street fighting with its Kurdish defenders Monday...
Islamic State militants raise their flags in Kobane to advance closer to Turkey
Islamic State militants (IS) have reportedly captured part of a town close to the Syrian border with Turkey after days of fierce fighting.