The Central Intelligence Agency has launched a Twitter account, revealing a previously undercover sense of humour. “We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet,” said the agency, tongue firmly in cheek, in its first post. The account, @CIA, attracted tens of thousands of followers within hours of launching on Friday.
We have important insights to share and we want to make sure that unclassified information about the Agency is more accessible to the American public that we serve, consistent with our national security mission.
CIA director John Brennan
On Twitter, at least, the secretive agency was following only 25 other accounts - all U.S. government agencies. The CIA’s Twitter bio says it accomplishes what others cannot accomplish and goes where others cannot go. The CIA, which already has Flickr and YouTube accounts, also joined Facebook on Friday. The agency, based in Langley, Virginia, promised to share reflections on intelligence history and other information on the new accounts.