The creator of a satirical video game that depicts Kim Jong Un as a gun-toting, unicorn-riding hero has no plans to cancel his zany creation following a cyberattack and threats of violence against Sony Pictures that the FBI has attributed to North Korea. In fact, “Glorious Leader!” creator Jeff Miller is now more motivated than ever to finish his game. The retro-style, run-and-gun game comically puts players in the shoes of a super-powered Kim as he battles waves of American drones and soldiers with weapons like a machine gun and bazooka. Miller is planning levels set in such locations as the streets of Pyongyang and atop Paektu Mountain. He’s now planning another on the Sony Pictures backlot. Miller has now launched a crowdfunding campaign aiming to raise $55,000 by Jan. 15 to finish the game.
I should probably ask for more funds now to beef up our cybersecurity. We didn’t know things were going to get this weird.
"Glorious Leader!" creator Jeff Miller
The FBI formally accused the North Korean government on Friday of being responsible for the hacking attack against Sony, while President Barack Obama said Sony “made a mistake” in halting the Dec. 25 release of “The Interview,” a comedy about a plot to assassinate the North Korean leader. The hackers sent a new message Friday to Sony Pictures Entertainment, gloating over the studio’s decision to cancel the release of “The Interview” and warning not to distribute the film in any form.