News Digest
Shorn the sheep: Aussie Chris fleeces Kiwis of world record
An Australian sheep that underwent a life-saving shave after being found with a massive fleece has entered the Guinness World Records for having the most...
Lost sheep in baaaaaad need of a haircut is named world’s woolliest
About 40kg (88 lb) of wool has been sheared from a sheep found near Australia’s capital, the RSPCA said on Thursday, making him unofficially the...
Australia’s sheep in baaaaaad need of a haircut named ‘world’s woolliest’
Around 40 kilograms (88 lb) of wool has been sheared from a sheep found near Australia’s capital, the RSPCA said on Thursday, making him unofficially...
Hong Kong’s ‘wolf’ tells the flock to be more like ‘sheep’ after year of protests
Hong Kong leader C.Y. Leung, nicknamed the “wolf” by critics, said residents of the Chinese-controlled city should be more like sheep after...
Big Yang Theory: Chinese year of the sheep or the goat?
Sheep or goat? China’s coming lunar new year has stirred a debate over which zodiac creature is the correct one - but Chinese folklorists dismiss...
When things go bahhhhd: Sheep at Eiffel Tower to protest wolves
Disgruntled farmers brought their sheep to the Eiffel Tower on Thursday to protest wolf attacks, and what they call the government’s anti-farmer...
Ewe must be joking: Sheep invade Paris to protest against wolf attacks
Disgruntled farmers brought their sheep to the Eiffel Tower on Thursday to protest against wolf attacks, and what they call the government’s anti-farmer...
'World's wooliest' sheep found in Australia after six years on run from shearers
The world’s wooliest sheep has been found in Australia, two farmers believe.
Study reveals the relationship between sheepdog and master
Scientists used GPS technology for the very first time to understand how sheepdogs do their jobs so well.