News Digest
Elephant poaching falls but ‘tens of thousands still being killed every year’
The illegal killing of African elephants for their ivory seems to have fallen from record peaks but poaching of the animal is still far too high, an international...
I got you babe: Cher aims to free lonely, chained elephant in Pakistan
Cher is leading the campaign to ease the plight of a lonely elephant in a Pakistani zoo.
Why did the elephant seal try repeatedly to cross the road…
Why did the elephant seal cross the road? To meet the chicken… Wildlife experts and police officials worked to keep a determined elephant seal off...
The elephant who came to tea… and forgot his table manners
There’s not a lot you can do when a bull elephant decides to gatecrash your evening meal.
Wild African elephants ‘will be extinct within decades’ warn conservationists
African elephants could be extinct in the wild within a few decades, experts warned on Monday at a major conservation summit in Botswana that highlighted...
Myanmar adds to its collection of rare white elephants
Myanmar’s forestry department has captured a rare white elephant in the jungles of the country’s western Ayeyarwaddy region.
Burma captures ninth rare white elephant in western jungles
Myanmar’s forestry department has captured a rare white elephant in the jungles of the country’s western Ayeyarwaddy region.
One sanctuary seeks to help save Myanmar’s timber elephants
Often when you’re traveling you just stumble upon things, things that end up changing your life.
Ivory poaching could wipe out elephants and rhinos ‘by 2034’
Elephants and rhinos could be extinct within two decades, campaigners are warning ahead of marches across the world to call for greater protection for...
100,000 elephants killed in Africa, study finds
Poachers killed an estimated 100,000 elephants across Africa between 2010 and 2012, a huge spike in the continent’s death rate of the world’s...
Elephants have stronger sense of smell than dogs or rats, new study sniffs out
Bomb detection squads may switch from dogs to elephants going by a recent study by Japanese scientists proclaiming the pachyderm as the species with the...
Mouse-like mammal with ‘elephant’s trunk’ found in African desert
A mammal that looks like a mouse but has some of the characteristics of an elephant has been found scampering around an African desert.
Poachers massacre 68 elephants in Congo, slay Kenya’s oldest tusker
One of Africa’s oldest national parks is under attack “from all fronts,” its director said Friday after 68 elephants were slaughtered...